Monday, April 28

My Weekend Recap.

Occasionally when both Tyler & I have to work on the same day, I make my mom & step-dad come into
town to hang out with Drey. I don't do daycares or random babysitters... I just can't.
They came into town Thursday afternoon & we were non-stop the whole time!

Side story:
I got home from work Thursday night and my mom & I went to K-Mart for something, I can't remember, and they were having a $1.99 clearance sale. PLUS their shoes were buy 1 get 1... 
I know what you're thinking, K-MART?! Girl where is your class...?
I don't have any.
If it's cute, I'm buying it! Especially at $1.99!
So we walked out of there with a handful of shirts each, 4 pairs of shoes, a couple sweaters, handful of
comfy pants for Drey, an adoarble jacket... all of that together under $100. It was awesome.
End side story.

We spent Friday & Saturday going to yard sales, thrifting, hitting up every antique store in this county 
AND climbing a mountain digging for dinosaur bones. Drey even has his license to do so.
My favorite find was that big old rusty P I put above my pantry door.
(not to mention a 5 gallon ceramic crock I put on layaway at the antique store. who does that?! me..)
Saturday morning I had to pick up my Bountiful Basket, mmmm! And then I ate a doughnut for breakfast, go figure. 

I've gotten a couple emails about a drink I briefly talked about here.
Mostly about what was in it blah blah... So I'm going to do a post about it! My very first "recipe" post. Coming soon :-))
Oh my gosh I'm Martha, I can't even handle it.

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  1. John & I were talking about the bountiful baskets this week, we really want to start getting them! I'm excited for your recipe, I've been needing a new juice to try out. Also, I forgot to tell you, there's a place on your way to Roosevelt called "Gypsi Mamas" that I think you'd LOVE. It's full of vintage stuff, anyway, check it out :)

    1. You totally should! The fruit & veggies in it are sooo yummy. They are always fresh & delish. I've been to that store numerous times! I do LOVE it. It's such a fun store. I even blogged about it once haha.

  2. yea for dre and bountiful baskets!

  3. I have not been to KMart in YEARS, but can't pass up a good deal!

  4. That is too funny you have to have a license but I guess it makes sense. As long as it's cute I don't care where it's fun, get your bargain on gurlfran

  5. I'm like you... I don't give a shit where something comes from... cute is cute!

  6. There's no Kmart in Texas, so I'm jealous. And I love that P.

  7. Oh my gosh, Dreydan must feel like the coolest kid ever when he's wearing that hat. I think it's SO adorable that you guys take him digging for dino bones all the time haha.

    aka Bailey
