
what do you have to offer your readers?
such a good question and in all honesty, i ask myself that all the time. for reals. i talk about my life, i talk about things i love, things i hate, things i want etc.. i sometimes post giveaways and do reviews on random things that i enjoy. but as far as having something offer? me. there's just me. but why does this make me special? it doesn't. so why would you rather read about my life than some other bloggers life? i don't know. that's something you'll have to decide for yourself! i like to ramble.. i love to just sit and type out the words all jumbled up in my brain. but the thing is.. once it's all written out, i feel better. i never end up posting that content because once it's out, i think it's a little much haha. so it mostly just becomes adventures and pictures of my lovies. but i'm trying harder to open up a little more about who i am. as far as the blogs i enjoy, they aren't afraid to hold back their feelings however popular or unpopular they may be. and i love that.

how/why did you start blogging? 
one of my best friends had a blog that she updated regularly and she loved it so much. she was witty, had the best content, ideas etc.. i loved reading it. it crossed my mind once or twice to start my own but i had literally no clue where to begin and i knew i wouldn't enjoy it like i should to keep it going.
then right after dreydan was born, my mom was deployed to iraq for 12 months. email was always an option for keeping in touch, but i wanted something more. that's when my blog was born. it's been through massive amounts of makeovers, name changes, content circles.. everything. i'm still trying to find my niche.

do you have a blog facebook page?
yes! it's brand new.. a newborn baby. daily updates on everything blawg.. check it out here!

if we met in person, would i know you?
so funny story. i'm from utah and there are a handful of big local bloggers here. at the time, i was following a certain blog, lets call her martha, who i loved! i found her in her beginnings and followed as she grew. never knowing her personally, i assumed from all of her content i knew her pretty well (you know how that goes). so one day i'm in salt lake city doing some shopping/errands. i stopped at a little cafe for a cup of tea to go and i see this girl sitting at a table chatting with a friend.. my first thought was oh she looks like an ugly version of martha. after further staring, i realized omg that is martha! so i did an unhealthy amount of staring and eavesdropping at martha and realized i should say hey. so i said hiii! are you martha?! i read your blog! her friend snickered and picked up her phone, martha said yes and then said i'm really busy right now, but if you need a sponsor, you can email me. wtf? no, i just wanted to say hey. she was nothing like who she portrays on her site. real life and social media life are two entirely different worlds for some people. and for this particular girl and her blog, she was jesus loving, find a friend in everyone blah blah blah filter the crap out of my face online and a real cunt in person. moral of this story? i don't want to be her. so if we ever meet in person, i would hope to exceed all your expectations.

i think i want to start a blog.. should i?
you guys. i did a post about this. find your answers here my children.

i see your design tutorial pages. do you do custom work for blogs?
yes! i have my design tutorial page to help you through some of the stuff yourself or if you want to lay it all on someone else, you can check out my pricing page for more information! email me if you have any questions.

do you have blog inspiration?
of course! we all know it's not fking martha. but i think everyone has blog inspo and maybe a blog crush or two. mostly my inspiration comes from my life experiences and random thoughts i have or world nonsense. but there are certain bloggers that i love to stalk & if ever i have post inspiration from them, they're always credited.

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